New website and student exhibitions

It has been really difficult juggling Facebook posts (my main social networking forum), uploading videos to YouTube, adding content on Google Docs and now launching our iLearn website using the format, which I love. Weighing up using their paid version to get more features.

A sweet and sour fortnight leading into school holidays. I love sweet and sour pork. BUT, the sweet today and all year has been the work with the students and their passion to learn from many mentors and supporters. It is fantastic work. Should hear what the parents and students think – feedback during exhibitions! All the iLearn team are so proud of the students and their achievements.

The sour is that we keep getting stymied in our endeavours get government funding (through partnering with a school or training institution). Long story. So, we are leaving that funding path and will concentrate our efforts on introducing entrepreneurial and business funding streams.

This indeed is the rollercoaster of innovation. No surprise but disappointing and stiffens our resolve to fund the program in other ways. Hope and faith come to the fore…

Stay tuned for the other ways…you may like to support us in some way or know of someone who could…

Clinton exhibition Exhibition - Ben onesie (1) Music Production (2) Music Production (3) Music Production (5)

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