About me

Geoff Allemand

Email: allemandg@shepparton.net.au

Mobile: 0459 215 205

I live in Shepparton Victoria. Father of 4 boys.

2001 Greater Shepparton Citizen of the Year award

Committed Christian. Primary school teacher for 13 years.

Originator and manager of SPC Ardmona KidsTown Adventure Playground for 8 years.

Passionate teacher using the Big Picture learning approach.

2008-2010 Working with disengaged youth at GOTAFE in Shepparton. Introduced the Big Picture model and in 2010 had my own class (Big Picture pilot) of students using this approach.

2011: Employed by Edspace in Benalla to continue the Big Picture program with youth in Shepparton who have disengaged from mainstream schooling.

2011: Employed by UnitingCare Cutting Edge and developed a program for disengaged and disadvantaged youth called Big Picture: UnReal! Learning

2013: Launching my own learning centre/program called iLearn – in the REAL world. An enterprising/entrepreneurial  program for young people 15-18 years.

Allemand Family Cartoon (med)

A cartoon drawing by one of my grown up Year 1 students. I asked him to depict each of my family with our area of interest/passion.

2 thoughts on “About me

  1. I really like the simple presentation style of your blog, Geoff. The title too–it was almost identical to the blog I was hoping to start with my Year 8 students – I call it The Passions Project.

    I just finished Ken Robinson’s The Element-How Finding your Passion Changes Everything, and am even more inspired to keep it up. I must love this educational networking, since I am spending every day of my summer break to explore and learn. I am a real novice, but I hope to connect with you over the coming year.

    I am originally from California, so I loved your visit blips and videos. Good luck with the blog:)

  2. I found your site from the HEA article. I’m interested in your method as I have an academically uninspired 15 year old son. He’s tried school a couple of times (academically successful but didn’t like it socially) but has mostly been homeschooled (as are his siblings). I have tried in the past to inspire him with things like unit studies but haven’t had much success. However, he has assisted the local Lions Club with B-B-Q’s and they are very impressed with his work ethic. He seems to be able to ‘work’ but not ‘study’. Is he a suitable candidate for you?
    Looking forward to hopefully hearing from you soon.

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